Open-cell PUR flexible foams Collar® based on ether and ester.
Processing & finishing of polyurethane foams Collar ® (polyester & polyether). Polyurethane foams are open-cell foams can be used in almost all areas.
Nubbed foam
Nubbed foam is suitable for sound insulation in sound studios, in workshops and garages, for sound insulation in machine and plant construction, as case inserts or packaging.
Visco foam Collar® Visco
Viscoelastic foam is permanently elastic, has a high density and provides unique pressure relief.
Sponge foam
Sponge foam for use as cleaning sponges, application sponges, car sponge, painting supplies, stamp pad, etc.
Raster foam
Raster foam as an insert for safe transport and storage in the system case, notebook case, photo case, tool case.